No matter the amount of Work i do online daily : I must build at least 3 Backlinks to my sites everyday Because through them lies the stew in SEO.
Practicing SEO without Link building is like graduating without Certificate: All your work are in vain and might be useless.
Though link Building is not that easy as it may sound : It goes with alot of stress and hardworking but when you make it your daily and must do task you will find it quite easy.
When building links it's like time consuming because you don't really see the result instantly but when the result start to show you will definitely enjoy it.
I challenge you today to take link building as your number one and daily priority and you will never regret doing it "trust me" When you build links most of your posts which aren't found on google will be springed up to first page after sometimes.
Did you get that? If yes your next research should be about link building..... feel free to ask your questions
Credit: Kennedy Prosper