“For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.” [KJV]
Apostle Paul made a prayer concerning the lives of saints. He said, “It is my desire that Jesus Christ may be revealed in your life.”
During this said time, he had approached a certain church and found people praying. However, outside the church therein, it was written, “Worship to the unknown God,” as stated in one of the above verse.
Isnt it unfortunate that people had gathered to praise and worship and yet, they did not even have a revelation of the God they were calling and crying out to ?
In the same manner, many people are not making it in this life today because they are worshipping what they do not know. Realize that being a Christian requires one to have a solid relationship with God, where God knows you and you are also known by God.
Tonight, get on your knees and make a prayer unto God. Let Him reveal His true being to you. Desire earnestly to seek His face and to see Him being shown to you more and more!
Refuse to keep worshipping a God that you do not know. Rectify that error by spending more time in His presence