In 2012, I traveled to Jerusalem to seek a location for a Christian Zionism Museum. Through the museum, my plan was that the accounts of Christians who played crucial roles in helping to promote, defend, support, and establish the modern State of Israel could be told, as well as the stories of those
During that trip, I met the owners of a five-story edifice at 20 Yosef Rivlin Street, just a stone’s throw from the Temple Mount.The Friends of Zion Heritage Center is ground zero for the global Jerusalem Prayer Team prayer movement. With over one billion Christian Zionists worldwide, the goal is to unite them to stand with Israel and the Jewish people.
During that trip, I met the owners of a five-story edifice at 20 Yosef Rivlin Street, just a stone’s throw from the Temple Mount.The Friends of Zion Heritage Center is ground zero for the global Jerusalem Prayer Team prayer movement. With over one billion Christian Zionists worldwide, the goal is to unite them to stand with Israel and the Jewish people.
FOZ now has a vast social network platform to mobilize Israel’s greatest friends. The organization already has more than one million members in Indonesia alone and is presently growing at the staggering rate of two million members monthly.
Today my heart is overflowing with gratitude to God, as the dream He placed in my spirit more than 30 years ago has become a reality. When the contract for the purchase of the building that houses the Friends of Zion Heritage Center was signed, I was reminded once again that every promise from God is certain and sure, no matter how long we have to wait for it.
Abraham waited for the promised birth of Isaac for some 25 years, but in God’s perfect timing, the son of promise was born. When I first met with Prime Minister Menachem Begin more than 30 years ago, and we agreed to work together to build a bridge between Christians and Jews, part of that dream was to have a permanent presence in the Holy City. Now we proudly point to this beautiful facility that ministers to the physical needs of the Jewish people and to the spiritual needs of Christians worldwide. Don’t ever give up on what God has promised and placed in your spirit As Joshua circled Jericho, I prayerfully circled the blocks around the area, seeking God’s gracious approval to purchase the property. God granted me favor with the owners, for as we negotiated the price for the building, they not only lowered the price by $2 million but also carried the note interest-free to the end of 2014.
The Friends of Zion Heritage Center is now a reality and proudly stands in the heart of Jerusalem in a prominent location overlooking Independence Park and within walking distance to the Old City. It is one more building block in the plan and purpose God has surely had for my life.
THE LAST Time I did this, almost all my followers online received and testified.
I want to use my name MAJOR 1 to bless you financially this morning. Choose one later of my name and it shall come to pass in your life now. Dont joke with this, do it with Faith.
M…… 100Million
SHARE 5TIMES and everything will be okay with you.
The Friends of Zion Heritage Center is now a reality and proudly stands in the heart of Jerusalem in a prominent location overlooking Independence Park and within walking distance to the Old City. It is one more building block in the plan and purpose God has surely had for my life.
THE LAST Time I did this, almost all my followers online received and testified.
I want to use my name MAJOR 1 to bless you financially this morning. Choose one later of my name and it shall come to pass in your life now. Dont joke with this, do it with Faith.
M…… 100Million
SHARE 5TIMES and everything will be okay with you.