The story of a blind man named Bartimaeus is a beautiful illustration of how to unleash more of God’s favor in your life…even when your situation appears hopeless. One minute this man was begging along the roadside, just as he had done for much of his life. But in a moment’s time, everything changed for him.
Suddenly, he could see! He had received a new beginning beyond his wildest dreams.
Bartimaeus had stumbled upon the secret to unleashing God’s miracle-working power, and his life would never be the same. When he went to sleep that night, his life was completely different than it was when he had awakened that morning. So, what can we learn from this amazing story, told in Mark 10:46-52? Let’s take a look…
This morning..I want to perform a Miracle that will shake the foundation of the Earth right now. It will be a day you will never forget in your life. In the next 30minutes, the whole world will start talking about this Miracle. If you are ONLINE and you are reading this post…Congratulation! you are very lucky.
Before 12noon today, you will receive a Miracle Bank Alert that will blow your mind. Your bank manager will call you on phone to tell you about it.
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